Movement Church | San Marcos, CA


Jesus is our center: We dream of a world where every child who walks through our doors grasps the joy of living with Jesus at the very core of their lives and confidently pursuing a purpose inspired by God.

People are our aim: Our mission is to make the most of every opportunity we have with our kids. We aim to teach, train, and equip them, helping them step into their destinies in Christ and become all that God has designed them to be.

Passion is our approach: From the youngest babies to our teens, we approach the discipleship of our kids with strategy and intention. We’ve developed a “Cradle to Career” plan that identifies key learning milestones for each age group.

We use age-appropriate language and concepts that grow with our kids to teach them the “Why” of God – why we love Him and why He loves us.

Recognizing that every child is unique, we employ a diverse teaching approach every Sunday, ensuring that kids hear the word, see the word, do activities that reinforce the word through object lessons and games, and have opportunities to discuss the word with their teachers and peers.

Our ultimate goal is for our kids to know and experience the transformative truth of Christ and to see their lives changed by His power and love!

Children are naturally open to the Spirit of God, and we continually seek to create opportunities for our kids to encounter His presence. We worship, we pray, and we teach our kids how to recognize God’s voice and walk powerfully in their spiritual gifting.

  • We invite you to partner with us in making this vision a reality
    Partner with us at home by reinforcing our lessons during the week.
  • Partner with us on Sunday by joining a team.
  • Partner with us in spirit by committing to pray for our dedicated teachers and the precious kids they nurture.

With Jesus as our Center, People as our Aim, and Passion as our Approach, we create an environment where your child can truly thrive in their faith journey, growing into confident influencers who carry the light of Christ into their generation.

Please do not hesitate to contact the team with anything you may need at

– Melissa MacNail, KOM Ministry Director


Check-in opens 20 minutes before service begins and closes 20 minutes after.

Look for the Kids on the Move flag in the courtyard.

One of our amazing Kids Church team members will greet you and help you get checked in.

You will receive a name tag for your child, and a security tag needed for pickup.

After the service, come to your child’s classroom and show the volunteer your claim code to pick up your child. Be sure they have their take-home devotional for you to review with them during the week!

  • PRE K

Nursing Moms

Moms & Nursing Babies

Make yourself at home in a comfortable space designated for moms and their nursing babies. We provide toys for babies to enjoy while moms catch the live service broadcast.


3 & under

Your babies and toddlers are cared for by a team that uses engaging videos, worship, and crafts to help kids discover who God is.

Pre K & Kinder

4 years old-Kinder

We’ll help your child grow and mature in their understanding of God through games, a Bible story, and lessons.

Kids Church

Grades 1-3

Your child will learn about Jesus through a high-energy curriculum that involves videos, games, and discussion in small groups.

4th-5th Grade

Grades 4-5

Fun, interactive, culturally relevant curriculum rooting and establishing kids’ identity in Christ through 12 simple truths that teaches them who they are because of who God is.

Junior High

Grades 6-8

Meet us at kid check in flag along our side entrance. After checking in, we’ll gather in the Student Ministries room for JHIGH specific worship, teaching, and fun!


Our leadership has thoughtfully curated 52 weeks of children’s programming per age group designed to impart truth and identity from “cradle to career.” Download our Benchmarks document and partner with us by reinforcing our age-appropriate language at home.